姓 名:成兰仙
邮 箱:chenglx@scau.edu.cn
1999/09--2003/06 湖南大学 电子科学与技术 本科
2003/09--2006/06 湖南大学 电力电子与电力传动 硕士研究生
2011/09--2016/04 华南理工大学 微电子学与固体电子学 博士研究生
2006/06—2014/05 广州无线电集团海华电子 研发中心项目经理
2016/07—至今 十大现金买球入口电子工程学院 副教授
1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目“低温活性焊料SnAgTi与SiC的表面润湿和界面结合机理研究”,项目批准号:61804057,项目直接经费:24万元;
2. 主持横向项目“工业生产线数据融合中间件(Middleware)设计”,项目经费:10万元;
3. 参与广州市重点研发计划项目“基于空天地一体化岭南农作物的智能种植监测与病虫害预警系统”,项目经费:50万元;
4. 参与横向项目“特种设备大数据应用标准体系建设应用研究与规划”,项目经费:20万元。
1.L. X. Cheng, K. B. Ma, X. J. Yue, Z. L. Li , and G. Y. Li . Role of Ti in direct active bonding of SiC substrate using Sn-Ag-Ti alloy filler. Journal of materials science-materials in electronics. Vol. 33, No. 6, 2022, (SCI, 3区).
2.L.X.Cheng, X. J. Yue, J. Xia, Z. Z. Wu and G. Y. Li. Adsorption and interface reaction in direct active bonding of GaAs of GaAs using Sn-Ag-Ti solder filler. Journal of materials science-materials in electronics. Vol. 32, No.16, 2021, (SCI, 3区).
3.L. X. Cheng, M. R. Liu, G. Y. Li, X. Q. Wang and B. H. Yan. Effects of active element Ti on interfacial microstructure and bonding strength of SiO2/SiO2 joints soldered using Sn3.5Ag4Ti(Ce, Ga) alloy filler. Materials science and engineering A. Vol. 680, 2017, (SCI, 2区).
4.L. X. Cheng, G. Y. Li, X. Q. Wang, Z. L. Li and Z. Z. Wu. A Novel Low Temperature Active Bonding of Si/Si with Sn3.5Ag4Ti(Ce,Ga) Alloy Filler. Materials letters. Vol.165, 2016, (SCI, 2区).
5.L. X. Cheng, G. Y. Li, X. Q. Wang, Z. L. Li and Z. Z. Wu. Influence of Active Element Ti on Interfacial Reaction and Soldering Strength between Sn3.5Ag4Ti(Ce,Ga) alloy filler and Si substrate. Materials science and engineering A. Vol. 658, 2016, (SCI, 2区).
6.L. X. Cheng, G. Y. Li, Z. L. Li, Z. Z. Wu and B. Zhou. Effects of Titanium on Active Bonding between Sn3.5Ag4Ti(Ce,Ga) Alloy Filler and Alumina. Journal of materials science-materials in electronics. Vol.26, No.8, 2015, (SCI, 3区).
7.成兰仙,李国元,焊料Sn3.5Ag4Ti(Ce,Ga)与SiO2基板低温活性焊接机理的研究. 华南理工大学学报.Vol.44, No.9, 2016, (EI)
8.L. X. Cheng, B. H. Yan and Y Liu. Effects of active adsorption on thermodynamic equilibrium of solid-liquid interface. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 770, 8th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE2019), 12-15 November 2019, Sanya, China. (EI)
9.Guanting Cen, Honglang Deng, Lanxian Cheng*, ,Shaolin Zhou, Shaowei Liao. Terahertz (THz) Metasurface Switch by Phase Change Medium. 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2019). 6th IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium(IWS) part of China Microwave week, May 19-22,2019. Guangzhou, China. (EI)
10.Z. L. Li, G. Y. Li, L. X. Cheng, J. H. Huang. Effect of Nano-TiO2 Addition on Microstructural Evolution of Small Solder Joints. Journal of materials science-materials in electronics. Vol.27, 2016, (SCI, 3区).
11.Z. L. Li, G. Y. Li, B. Li, L. X. Cheng, J. H. Huang and Y. Tang. Size Effect on IMC Growth in Micro-scale Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-0.1TiO2 Solder Joints in Reflow Process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol.685, 2016, (SCI, 2区).
12.Z. L. Li, L. X. Cheng, G. Y. Li, J. H. Huang and Y. Tang. Effects of joint size and isothermal aging on interfacial IMC growth in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu-0.1TiO2 solder joints. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 697, 2017, (SCI, 2区).
13.Jiang Xia, Guoyuan Li, Bin Li, and Lanxian Cheng. Optimal Design for Vibration Reliability of Package-on-Package Assembly Using FEA and Taguchi Method. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 6, No.10, 2016, (SCI, 3区)
14.Jiang Xia, GuoYuan Li, Bin Zhou, and LanXian Cheng. PoP Assembly Reliability Test and Assessment Under Random Vibration Loading. The17th International conference on electronic packaging Technology (ICEPT 2016), (EI)
15.成兰仙,权运良,大功率三相PWM整流器的研究与实现. 电力电子技术. Vol.47, No.8, 2013. (中文核心)
16JiangXia, LinYang, QunxingLiu, QiPeng, LanXian Cheng, GuoYuanLi. Comparison of Fatigue Life Prediction Methods for Solder Joints Under Random Vibration Loading, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 95, 2019, (SCI, 4区)
17.Xia Jiang, Cheng LanXian, Li GuoYuan, Li Bin. Reliability Study of Package-on-Package Stacking Assembly Under Vibration Loading. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 78, 2017 (SCI, 4区)
18.JiangXia, GuoYuanLi, BinLi, LanXianCheng, BinZhou. Fatigue life prediction of Package-on-Package stacking assembly under random vibration loading. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 71, 2017 (SCI, 4区)
2013年12月获得中国人民解放军总参谋部授予的 “军队科技进步三等奖”。